Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Halloween Time

Today I got the Halloween issue of the party city catalog. I looked in there contemplating dressing up this year when I take Em out. Still on the fence about that one. Or maybe Em just needs another dress up costume. We have the standard...
How cute is that? This made mommy very happy. We also have...

I'm surprised the pic turned out for all the webs that were being shot at me.

I perused passed the pages for boys seeing all the standard super hero costumes: Batman, Robin, Spiderman, Captain America. But then I see this...

Interesting... I suppose this is one way to get the girls into the super heroes. Let's just create a character that doesn't exist... At least I think so... I thought the super soldier serum made Steve's little soldiers not such good swimmers. I must do some research. At the same time I need to look into why the costume company needs to invent super heroes for little girls when there are so many good ones out there. Even Target sells the Big Barda action figure. Where's her costume???


Batmensch said...

God yes, where is the Big Barda costume?

Batmensch said...

And the pics are adorable, BTW.